Catalan press awaits Champions League draw with morbid fascination


The Spanish word morbo is hard to translate, but a “morbid” or “sick” fascination just about does the job. It refers to something that should be horrible, but is actually quite compelling, in a slightly twisted way.

So it’s no wonder that Catalan paper Sport is calling tomorrow’s Champions League draw one that’s filled with “morbo” for them. Why? Because of the big Barcelona history involved.

Favourite son Pep Guardiola is in the mix with his new team Man City. So is his successor at the Nou Camp, Luis Enrique, managing a PSG team which Barca have developed their own unique Champions League history with.

There there’s Barcelona themselves. Manged by Pep’s on-pitch lieutenant Xavi, whose departure is already sealed for this summer.  Can he get one over on his old bosses? Can he get a shock European win for the team that’s already decided to give him the boot? There are so many angles to this draw from a Catalan point of view – and more than a little morbo.




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