Resident Alien’s Corey Reynolds on Sheriff Mike in Season 3 Finale

For three whole seasons, Sheriff Mike Thompson (Corey Reynolds) has lived in something of an insular bubble, immune to criticism, the opinions of others, and modern dating etiquette. While that blustery exterior began to subtly soften throughout Season 3 of Resident Alien, Patience’s leading lawman still remained as hardnosed as ever, overly confident in his personal worldview….

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Clearing up misconceptions about menopause

Clearing up misconceptions about menopause – CBS News Watch CBS News It’s a topic that for generations was just whispered about: the challenges for women undergoing “the change.” But today more and more women are speaking openly about the symptoms of perimenopause and menopause, the treatments, and the lingering stigma. Correspondent Tracy Smith talks with…

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The Ending of Monkey Man, Explained

For all its twists and turns, Monkey Man is a film with a pretty straightforward mission. It’s a revenge movie, so we know early on what our hero wants, how he plans to get it, and what victory looks like for him.  Still, by the time it’s all over, there’s plenty left to unpack. So, now…

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Does Monkey Man Have a Post-Credits Scene?

Dev Patel’s directorial debut, Monkey Man, is an intricate juggernaut of action, revenge, faith, and pure brutality. There’s a lot going on in this movie, so much so that you might expect it to continue even into the film’s credits. So, is there more to see beyond the main story of Monkey Man?  Is There a…

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