Resident Alien Season 3: Asta and D’arcy Co-Parenting Harry


Welp, Harry Vanderspeigle’s alien “secret” got a little less hush-hush during the second season finale of Resident Alien, when he revealed his true self to D’arcy Bloom (Alice Wetterlund) and she … didn’t really care. It was an on-brand reaction from D’arcy, who was entirely more focused on why her BFF, Asta Twelvetrees (Sara Tomko), had been keeping that level of secret from her. 

How to Watch

Watch the Season 3 premiere of Resident Alien Wednesday, February 14 at 10/9c on SYFY and next day on Peacock.

RELATED: Resident Alien’s Alan Tudyk Says Harry’s Got a “Kinky” Enemy and a New Mission in Season 3

As Season 3 premieres on February 14 at 10/9c on SYFY (and next day on Peacock), SYFY WIRE spoke with real friends and TV show besties, Tomko and Wetterlund, who are thrilled about how the trio will continue to navigate Harry’s undercover mission on Earth, together. 

“What’s fun about this season is not just that you find out at the end of Season 2, but that I have to explain to you, in a much calmer manner, ‘This is what he does. Don’t get mad at him. Don’t hit him. He doesn’t know any better,’” Tomko said as she laughed about protecting her hot mess alien friend from her fiery life-long friend this year.

Harry’s secret being revealed means more Asta and D’Arcy time

A super perk of being in Patience’s tight inner circle of those who know what Harry really is means that D’arcy will find herself in the middle of the shenanigans to keep Harry protected from those who want him dead, or discovered. 

“I think the fun thing about it is that it gets revealed, so you have this thing of like, ‘Oh my God, so many problems get solved this way!’ Sara and I were like, ‘You don’t have to do all the alien stuff alone,’” Wetterlund said of their initial reactions. “And we get to shoot more together, which is pretty much our favorite thing on Earth. I’m friends with Sara, but working with Sara, I’ve never in my life had a more rewarding scene partner. She’s such a good actor. We don’t even have to act. And it was like that before we even were friends.” 

RELATED: Watch Hilarious Resident Alien Stars Sara Tomko & Alice Wetterlund Goof Off Ahead of Season 3

However, there will be plenty of new problems because Asta and D’arcy handle Harry in very different ways.

“D’Arcy’s relationship to Harry is different,” Tomko said. “She’s not just going to help. She’s going to have to get involved in this loose cannon way that isn’t always altruistic.” 

The evolution of Harry and Asta’s relationship

Tomko said that Season 3 is also going to usher in a shifting dynamic between Harry and Asta as they both get a little more independent from one another. “Harry was a fetus coming out into the world as a human in Season 1, and I was carrying him — once I knew what he was — like a baby. Tenderly carrying this other [being] because it felt very similar to the other little mini-me inside of me, so it was very Sara-peutic in Season 1,” she joked.

“In Season 2, I’m so annoyed with him,” she recalled. “He’s like a terrible twos toddler. He’s touching everything, breaking things and I have to follow him. So it’s nice in Season 3 to have this evolution of, ‘I trust you now. I know who you are. It’s your problem. Now I need to go find myself.’ But also that I trust D’arcy and I trust him, and that there’s this beautiful example of me finally getting a chance to sort of mother the way I never got to mother Jay [Kaylayla Raine].”

D’arcy’s secrets might get the best of her in Season 3

While D’arcy might be in on the big secret, that doesn’t mean she’s going to be fessing up her own issues with pain management that she’s been hiding from everyone. Wetterlund said this season is going to be one of literal and emotional pain for her character, but she promised that its all for a purpose.

“I think that you’ll see, by the end of Season 3, her make a big leap in understanding what can happen when you are a little more self sacrificing,” she teased. “I don’t want to say too much, but I also feel like she’s seen the consequences of her actions more vividly in the last season, than maybe in Season 1. She’s getting a picture of like, ‘If I act this way, this happens.’ And even her relationship with Asta — which is obviously very central to her mental health — she is starting to realize that maybe she shouldn’t just let this person take on all of her bu–shit, all the time. Maybe there’s another way of going about it? It’s a very gradual arc for her but but we still get to see her have a ton of fun while doing it. Hopefully, everyone will end up rooting for her still.”

Catch up on the story so far with the first two seasons of Resident Alien now streaming on Peacock! New episodes of Resident Alien premiere every Wednesday on SYFY and are available next day on Peacock.




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